Bitter for Sweet – Christina Rossetti

Christina Rossetti is probably best known for her poem Goblin Market, her love poem Remember and she also wrote the words of the Christmas carol – In the Bleak Midwinter. She was the daughter of Italian poet Gabrielle Rossetti and  sister to poet and artist Dante Rossetti who was a founder member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.  She sat for several of his most famous paintings. You can read more about her life here:

Today I have chosen her poem Bitter for Sweet, I thought it apt for this time of the year as sadly, our Summer has almost gone.


 Bitter for Sweet – Christina Rossetti

Summer is gone with all its roses,
Its sun and perfumes and sweet flowers,
Its warm air and refreshing showers:
And even Autumn closes.

Yea, Autumn’s chilly self is going,
And Winter comes which is yet colder;
Each day the hoar-frost waxes bolder
And the last buds cease blowing.

About Jacqueline C Nash

Jacqueline loves to write poetry and has also written a book but none of her work has been published, she writes purely for enjoyment. It has helped her through good and bad times, the last few years of which have been particularly difficult. Her poetry is inspired by nature and life in general. Much of her work is from true life, sometimes stretching the truth a little, but it is also from her imagination. Jacqueline is a firm believer that creativity feeds the soul. As well as poetry she loves music, dance and dabbles in mixed media art and up-cycling.
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