Autumn Lullaby

Autumn Lullaby – Jacqueline Nash

Mother Nature discards her aureate summer gown
to substitute it with a robe of many colours,
gently she breaths upon the earth
turning leaves from green to golden yellow, red and brown.

Her breath dries the colourful leaves upon the trees
and as she blows, one by one they quietly fall,
slowly dancing, twirling without a sound
they settle on the ground, blown into mounds by the breeze.

As her breath turns colder, a chill begins to fill the air,
she sprinkles the earth lightly overnight
with sparkling crystals that glitter in the morning light,
but the morning autumn sun, though weak, soon makes them disappear.

Soon, naked trees will stand like silhouettes against the sky,
not satisfied until she’s stripped them bare,
and all plant life is coaxed into a deep long sleep
as mother nature softly sings her autumn lullaby.©

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